Young Adult > LGBQTIA+

This genre of literature deals with the struggle for identity, acceptance and relationships of protagonists who are LGBTQIA+ or who are trying to work out who they are.  


What does LGBTQIA+ stand for exactly?


L - Lesbian. Lesbian is a term used to refer to homosexual females.

Gay. Gay is a term used to refer to homosexuality, a homosexual person, or a homosexual male.

Bisexual. Bisexual is when a person is attracted to two sexes/genders.

Trans. Trans is an umbrella term for transgender and transsexual people.

Queer/Questioning. Queer is an umbrella term for all of those who are not heterosexual and/or cisgender. Questioning is when a person isn't 100% sure of their sexual orientation and/or gender, and are trying to find their true identity.

Intersex. Intersex is when a person has an indeterminate mix of primary and secondary sex characteristics.

Asexuality. Asexuality is when a person experiences no (or little, if referring to demisexuality or grey-asexuality) sexual attraction to people.

- The "+" symbol simply stands for all of the other sexualities, sexes, and genders that aren't included in these few letters.